
"new" year

I drove around town blowing off steam this morning, after giving my dad a ride to the airport. I fully blasted the volume of my stereo, singing... or rather, screaming along with the dudes in the tracks (yep... still with the dropkick fixation). It was a nice morning it was, considering it was only 5 AM and I've barely slept a wink last night. The morning fog and the dew caught on my car's window pane adds the humongous juicy cherry on top...

But then, the scenary that was laid before me when I reached the middle of town totally disrupted the zen I so briefly achieved. *argh* ... the sight of rubbish and junk and residue from the night before decorated roads and street corners. Then, I reached the so-called "bunderan UGM" and holy lack of trashbins batman! there I spy with my two little eyes... lots and lots trash of all shapes, ethnicities, purposes, dimensions, and sizes. Pfft, hell yes. Do people really have to do this? Is it truly necessary for people to celebrate any type of celebrations in such a destructive manner and without any feeling of responsibility of one's own trash? Goodness gracious... This town is full of children that think this whole city is their bedroom which they can freely trash and thrash in all manners possible. Someone need to smack some senses into those little turds. Haha...

happy new years to all those who care! as for me... meh... another day has passed. I don't see what the big deal is... ;p. Big woop...

There, I said it.

1 comment:

Athrun said...

aq malem taun baru ke bunderan lho pin.. tapi gak ikut2an buang2 duit and nambah sampah.. cuman nonton aja...

lha kok koe malah esuk2 lagi neng bunderan ngapa??