

*sigh* I haven't updated this blog in so long. I guess I as a person am not very articulate in the written language... of any language... I always have so many thoughts in my head but it passes by too quickly for me to record.

I'll ask myself this... What did I do today?

hm... I didn't have much of an exciting day. Woke up at 10. Tried to study, but to no avail. Then got a call from my cousin saying she's coming over. So I took a shower (yep, smelt so fresh and so clean clean) and got ready. When she got here I got the car out and off we went. Where? To the magical place called... the computer store. She needed to pick up the new laptop. It was a VAIO, and it was red. Wait, before that we went to grab a bite to eat cuz we were both starving. Yay us. Whilst driving, the sounds of Fat Mike blared in the background. (personal highlight: The Man I Killed). Then due to some unforseen circumstance, I wound up back at home. Yadda yadda yadda... (skipping all the boring parts, which is all of the above and more) it's six o'clock and I was too lazy to climb up 2 flights of stairs to get to my room to store my stuff so I opened the front bedroom door and there sat Mr. A****, a friend of the family back when I lived in Lincoln. Whoops. (shoot, it's not my fault nobody told me we had a guest) Of all people to have visited (if at all)... I didn't expect him. Nice surprise... as it turns out, he is now the head inspector of the food treatments in Carrefour in addition to being a professor at IPB. Bizzarre is it not? I thunk it. He came to Jogja to inspect the workers, to see if they were following procedures in food handling (which he found out some were not). So what he did was, he strolled around the supermarket pretending to be shopping, when in fact he had a little camera capturing anythin' funky happenin up in there. That's a nifty job right there... it's like you're a spy of sorts... spiffy. Moving on, I went out and bought some BERKU chicken to serve for dinner with the guest. Then I did some more stuff and ended up here at 2:42 AM. Nice huh? Fo shizzle.

Current tune: The eerie quietness of the early morning, mixed with distant sounds of snoring, and the humming noise of the laptop fan. And then a motorbike just passed by at high speed, disrupting the masterpiece. For shame...


happy day

currently braindead. Nothing of interest comes to mind... at least none worth jotting down. I'll keep em up 'ere *points at forehead* where they'll be safe and sound.

Happy Friday the 25th of 2008's January! My first and my last... How was it? Hm... it was aight I guess. Done things, regret not doing some things, done stupid things, had to fix those stupid things I managed to do... same old same old. But nontheless.. it shan't be left forgotten. Nay... So just for the sake of dethroning my own thought up there... I'll jot down some random stuff I discovered and pondered about through the course of this lovely day.

I think cars made within the last 5 years are stupid and redundant. BLEGH! At least the ones commercialized like the whores they are. ROTFL. The car that made its way to my family household is part of this oh-so-special bunch condemned by me... but hell, it's all that's available at my disposal so... Whatever... I still despise it. blegh. Then again, it's just a friggin car. Get over it. Great... I've wasted a paragraph talking about floogin cars.

Hear ye, hear ye... extra extra! Cooking Oil prices are up again people! I dunno by how much.. I just know that they are. How do I know? It's part of my weekly chores... buying cooking oil to restock THE store. Yep... I drive up to this place that holds such a special place in my heart (right..) at least once a week to buy oil by the jugs. Sounds fun, does it not? Fo shizzle dizzle. Anyhoo... I just bring the money needed (since no haggling is required) and bring the little babies back home... no questions asked. But yep... prices are up! Same goes for flour and sugar... And the inflation isn't over yet... it'll keep its steady increase. Damn them, whoever they are. ^_^

I contemplated about who and how I am today... but I'll write about that at a later date. This cycle will always be continuous. I'm not too self-absorbant...

Current tune: Bad, Bad Leroy Brown by Frank Sinatra.

I can't get enough of Franky lately... *sigh* bye bye Murphy... (for now)


"new" year

I drove around town blowing off steam this morning, after giving my dad a ride to the airport. I fully blasted the volume of my stereo, singing... or rather, screaming along with the dudes in the tracks (yep... still with the dropkick fixation). It was a nice morning it was, considering it was only 5 AM and I've barely slept a wink last night. The morning fog and the dew caught on my car's window pane adds the humongous juicy cherry on top...

But then, the scenary that was laid before me when I reached the middle of town totally disrupted the zen I so briefly achieved. *argh* ... the sight of rubbish and junk and residue from the night before decorated roads and street corners. Then, I reached the so-called "bunderan UGM" and holy lack of trashbins batman! there I spy with my two little eyes... lots and lots trash of all shapes, ethnicities, purposes, dimensions, and sizes. Pfft, hell yes. Do people really have to do this? Is it truly necessary for people to celebrate any type of celebrations in such a destructive manner and without any feeling of responsibility of one's own trash? Goodness gracious... This town is full of children that think this whole city is their bedroom which they can freely trash and thrash in all manners possible. Someone need to smack some senses into those little turds. Haha...

happy new years to all those who care! as for me... meh... another day has passed. I don't see what the big deal is... ;p. Big woop...

There, I said it.